How To Safely Detox from Benzodiazepines

Benzodiazapines are a prescription sedative often prescribed for anxiety or for individuals suffering from insomnia. According to the Centers for Disease Control, overdoses related to benzodiazapines have increased in recent years. Because the problem is so prevalent, it is important to know what the process is for safely detoxing from a benzodiazapine addiction.

Withdrawal Symptoms

Addiction to benzodiazapines means person has become physically dependent on the drug. When they no longer have it, they are going to experience unpleasant side effects. The safest way to withdraw from benzos is to do so in a clincal setting where the patient is medically supervised. Some of the withdrawal symptoms include the following:

  • Interrupted sleep
  • Trembling hands
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Headaches
  • Heart palpitations
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Physical tension
  • Stiffness and pain in the muscles
  • Cravings for the drug

Because the side effects of the withdrawal process can be severe, it is best done in a clinical setting. The caring staff at East Point Recovery Services can provide the compassionate care one needs to help them through the withdrawal symptoms in a safe environment.

Medically Assisted Detox from Benzodiazapines

Once one decides to break free from their addiction to benzos, detoxing should be done in a medical environment that is safe. The professional staff at East Point Recovery Services have the skills and knowledge to provide the care needed. Detoxing in a medical setting also means that the staff can mitigate the effects of the withdrawal symptoms making them less severe. Someone who is addicted to benzos needs medical monitoring during the withrdrawal process. Because dependence on this drug is high, we often adhere to a controlled tapering schedule to allow for a safe detox with minimal withdrawal symptoms.

Medications Used for Benzo Detox

In addition to tapering down the dosage of benzodiazapines, certain drugs are also used to aid in the detox process from benzos. Use of such medications eases the symptoms of withdrawal. These drugs include the following:

  • Buspirone – Given to individuals who take benzos for anxiety
  • Flumazenil – Given to treat benzodiazapine overdoses
  • Clonidine – A blood pressure medication used to successfully treat benzo addiction

The primary purpose of administering medications during the detox process is to reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms. The most significant risks of benzo detox are that of seizures and suicidal tendencies. In many cases, these medications are a component of treatment.

Ongoing Counseling

Once a person has safely detoxed from benzos, ongoing counseling is the next step. Group therapy and individual counseling sessions greatly reduce the chances of relapse.

If you or a loved one is suffering from benzo addiction, call the caring staff at East Point Recovery Services. We’re here to help you.