How Successful Are Interventions

Studies show that interventions often help those with substance abuse seek treatment. However, it’s important to note that not all interventions work. Additionally, it may take more than one attempt to convince your loved one to get the help they need. Additionally, interventions may work particularly well for adolescents and young adults who still value the opinion of their families and other loved ones.

East Point Recovery Services has professional interventionists who can advise your family on whether to move forward with a substance abuse intervention. Sometimes, it makes more sense to hold off until your loved one is ready for help.

How Does an Intervention Work?

During an intervention for alcohol or substance abuse, you gather family members and loved ones to confront the person with a substance use disorder. Here is an overview of what happens during the intervention:

• Loved ones present examples of how destructive behaviors have impacted their relationship with the addicted person.

• Professional interventionists offer clear steps and guidelines for treatment.

• Participants must prepare for what will happen if an intervention doesn’t work.

Steps of an Intervention With East Point Recovery Services

Here are typical steps needed to plan and execute an invention for drug or alcohol abuse:

1. Make a plan. Consult with a qualified professional counselor to choose the right people to participate in the intervention. Because many emotions can come up during this process, it’s important to choose those who can act out of love and not anger.

2. Gather information. It’s important to research the process thoroughly to determine whether an intervention could work.

3. Form the intervention team. After you form a team it’s time to rehearse the message. Including non-family members can often help the group maintain perspective. Don’t let personal feelings such as hurt and anger negate the potential effectiveness of the intervention.

4. Decide on consequences. Without consequences, interventions often do not work. If family members and loved ones don’t follow through with stated consequences, the person with a drug or alcohol use disorder doesn’t have any incentive to change their behavior. For example, one consequence is that a loved one moves out if they do not seek help.

5. Take notes. It’s important to discuss the effects of addiction on the entire family. This often includes both financial and emotional consequences. For example, a spouse might say “Since you began drinking, our finances…” or another family might say, “I was deeply hurt when…”

6. Conduct the intervention. Choosing a neutral location can help defuse strong feelings as you try to reach your loved one. Typically, interventions are conducted without telling the person with substance abuse disorder.

What Happens After?

After an intervention comment support to follow through with consequences. hopefully, the person with alcohol or substance use will realize that they need help to overcome their addiction. However, families and loved ones must be prepared for the process to take time.

Intervention Services at East Point Recovery Services

Do you need help planning and conducting an intervention for a friend or family member? The professionals at East Point Recovery Services can’t help. Contact us today to learn how to make a difference in the life of someone you love.