Consider the Valuable Benefits an Intervention Can Offer

Addiction doesn’t discriminate. It affects different people and families from all walks of life. If you have a loved one that is in the grasp of addiction, then you would do well to consider the benefits you and your loved one could realize from an intervention. Because addiction is highly complex, the treatment of such can often contain many different components, including intervention.

What Happens During An Intervention

Planning an intervention is a specific process. It is best to plan an intervention with an experienced addiction counselor. An intervention can be highly charged and emotional. Feelings of anger, sadness, betrayal and resentment will likely come into play. Being prepared for such feelings can help everyone involved to avoid feeling caught off guard.

It is essential for family members and other loved ones to gather information about the extent to which they have experienced the loved one’s addictive behaviors. Addiction involves manipulation and betrayal. An addict will only show parts of themselves that they want others to see. They are often very good at hiding their addiction. However, they can’t hide forever. Addiction will eventually have a negative effect on relationships, employment and other aspects of one’s life.

Once the intervention team has been assembled, then consequences must be decided upon if the addict refuses to accept help. Each member of the team should take notes and decide what they are going to say during the intervention. During the intervention, the addict is presented with treatment options and asked to accept help on the spot. After the intervention, there must be follow-up including counseling and recovery support.

Benefits of an Addiction Intervention

A loved one who suffers from addiction may not realize how negatively they are affecting all those around them. It’s heartbreaking to stand by and watch someone destroy their life because of addiction. There are situations where the only way to make a loved one pay attention to what their harmful behavior is doing is to have an intervention.

An experienced professional will organize the intervention. They will act as a neutral outside party who doesn’t bring emotion into the situation. An intervention provides a place and time for the family to come together with the addicted loved one and express their feelings.The addict likely used manipulation and lies to cover their addiction prior to the intervention. Once faced with family members at one time, an intervention puts a stop to the manipulation and lies and forces the addict to come clean.

The addict can either accept help or suffer the consequences. Once the family has had a chance to express their thoughts and feelings to their loved one, then treatment options can be offered. It will be up to the addict whether or not to accept the help offered. Once he or she accepts help, then recovery can begin. The counselor that is involved in the intervention will be involved throughout the recovery process and will likely be able to provide case management so that your loved one will have a successful outcome.

If you have a loved one suffering from addiction just know you are not alone in fighting for your loved one to break free from addiction. The professionals at Bay State Recovery are ready to help you and your loved one.