5 Reasons Why You Should Organize a Professional Intervention For Your Friend or Loved One

An intervention can benefit your entire family- not just the person you’re trying to with the addiction that may need professional help. Let our professional interventionist Michael Wilson from East Point Recovery Services help you plan an effective intervention in Massachusetts.

5 Reasons to Seek professional Help for Intervention

1. A professionally-organized intervention has a higher chance of success rate. The best-case scenario for an intervention is when the addict decides on-the-spot that they need help to beat their addiction. While immediate results are always the goal, sometimes it takes a bit longer for a family member to come around. Response time can vary significantly after an intervention; however, in the majority of cases, positive results are eventually achieved.

2. Family members and friends often have pent-up emotions resulting from years of wanting to say something to their loved one but never finding the right moment to do so. An intervention gives everyone the opportunity to say what’s on their mind and offer support and advice. Raw emotions are often the trigger that leads to recovery.

3. Early intervention for addiction can prevent physical and mental damage that occurs through years of alcohol or drug abuse. The sooner you can get your loved one to agree to treatment, the more likely they’ll emerge unscathed. Know that it’s never too late to reach an addict with intervention services, regardless of how many years they have been involved in substance or alcohol abuse.

4. Patient intervention planning with the help of an intervention specialist can make a big difference in the results your family experiences. Poorly planned interventions typically result in a shouting match that ends with all parties leaving the table with bitter feelings toward one another. East Point Recovery Services’ intervention process is well thought out, carefully planned, and carried out using a proven effective model.

5. Our Massachusetts intervention counselors can offer the best advice for your family to ensure that the intervention goes well. We want your loved one to feel cared for by everyone attending the intervention, not targeted for their decisions. Working with an addiction interventionist will ensure that everyone involved understands their part in the process and how important they are to the desired goal.

If you’re struggling to gain ground in getting someone you love into treatment, give us a call to learn more about our program. Massachusetts intervention services are often very effective when other methods have failed to yield good results.

Our protocol is different from most others- we spend more time preparing your family for the intervention in Massachusetts and supporting you after the event. You’ll find additional information in our ‘Services’ section online as well as FAQs to guide you through your research. Contact East Point Recovery Services today at 800-270-2302 to speak with our addiction counselors.