What Do I Do if Someone I Care About Is Struggling With Addiction?

Finding out that someone you love or care about is struggling with drug addiction can be a worrying time. Whether it’s a friend or family member, you’re scared about their wellbeing and safety. Talking to them directly can seem daunting or that it may escalate. While this can happen, it’s often due to not being prepared for the confrontation in order to keep it positive and productive.

The goal of taking the time to bring up your concerns is that your loved one agrees to seek treatment. Sometimes those battling addiction become overwhelmed by their condition making them lose sight of what’s going on around them. Being the gentle tug that gets them out of their own head can help give their motivation to work towards sobriety.

When You’re Relaxed, They’re Relaxed

Before any conversation about addiction, it’s important to know what you’ll say during the talk. It doesn’t matter if it’s just you going in or an entire group is staging an intervention, you’ll want to know what to say. This lets you relax and show how you feel without getting overly emotional or saying something you didn’t mean.

Doing some light research on addiction is always a great option to deliver your message with confidence. Knowing the types of behavior addiction can cause will make handling any dramatic or emotional responses much easier. Don’t forget that the person you’re talking to is someone you care about. They are more than their addiction, they’re a loved one.

Remember the Goal and Circumstances

When someone is acting irrationally, it can be difficult to not react with a similar tone and energy. Staying focused on what you have to say and the ultimate goal of seeking treatment will make brushing off negative reactions less taxing. Individuals fighting addiction are susceptible to mood swings and high anxiety so keep a calm demeanor and gently remind them you aren’t there to judge them.

Be careful not to say anything that sounds accusatory or assigns blame. If someone feels like they deserve what’s happening to them, they’ll struggle to agree to treatment. Remind them that seeking help isn’t giving up but rather giving yourself the best chance at a sober life free of addiction.

Help Them Find the Right Resources

Some individuals will welcome the assistance in breaking away from their addiction. Others may refuse help or agree to find treatment on their own. When it’s the latter case, providing them with some starting points may be just the right amount of help they need. It shows you respect their boundaries but also care about them getting the help they deserve.

If you’re in need of assistance staging an intervention or have questions about the recovery process, please reach out to East Point Recovery Services today. We encourage you to ask any questions you may have, all during a free and fully confidential consultation. Our programs cover all steps of the recovery process including sober living homes and ongoing therapy to promote lifelong sobriety.

No matter how long they’ve struggled with addiction, your loved ones can find help. No one is too late to achieve sobriety with services such as medically-assisted detox offering a safe recovery no matter how severe the addiction is.